MLK, Jr. Multicultural Fest: An Daire Wenatchee
In celebration of our annul Martin Luther King, Jr. Multicultural Fest, we are virtually sharing the rich and diverse cultural of the Wenatchee Valley, through video, during the month of January. We hope you enjoy this video from An Daire Wenatchee.
Since 2007, An Daire Academy of Irish Dance has been providing world class competitive Irish Step dance instruction to the Greater Chelan Valley. Their dancers range in age from 5-17 years of age and have performed all over the valley and around the world at various competitions. They are currently offering online instruction for ages 5 through adult and welcome the chance to share a bit of Irish fun with you or your child! Visit to learn more.
Please check our calendar for more ways to virtually participate in this year’s MLK, Jr. Multicultural Fest: