Curiosities from the Museum: Dentures – 08/22/2024
Over the years at the Wenatchee Valley Museum, there have been some odd and strange things that have been donated to the collection. While there is currently a screening process and procedures in place for donating items, this wasn’t always the case. We occasionally find oddities lying around from years gone by with little or no explanations.
We don’t know who retired these pearly browns but evidently somewhere down the line someone lacked the wisdom to turn away these teeth and now we have them in our collection.
They look like they lived a good life as they have acquired their fare share of coffee stains and two teeth are actually missing from this fake set. Lets just hope the tooth fairy collects the fake ones as well.
Please note: This story was originally published in the Comet Magazine in July of 2023. Check out more stories like these in the Comet Magazine.
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