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Meditation & Mindfulness 101 at the Wells House

May 23, 2024 @ 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM


Turn your attention inward while meditating at the Wells House

Turn your attention inward, without judgment, to meet the ever changing state of your body, mind and emotions. Together we will cultivate self-awareness and mental focus—through mindfulness— to help you find the pause in your daily life, get curious, allow what is, and care for the whole of you and your life.

This 5-Week series will highlight the following:

  • building awareness of the body-mind complex
  • basic education of poly-vagal theory in relation to stress and behavior
  • the benefits of self-compassion
  • support for meeting and working with the “monkey-mind”
  • reconnecting the divide within us and between us

Benefits of meditation & mindfulness have been found in many applications and across diverse populations. Studies have shown meditation to decrease chronic pain, blood pressure, overall stress and serve as a buffer for the rumination of depression and anxiety. Generally, meditative techniques improve our brains neuroplasticity—our ability to flex, shift, learn and grow. We can rewire our brains for better health, resilience, and psychological well-being.

This series is great for beginners, for those who have dabbled, as well as those who already have a steady practice. The group experience adds to our ability to connect, learn and grow—in community. In each session there will be a balance of discussion of concepts and mindfulness practice. This is a health education course and all are welcome. Chairs are provided, bring your own mat or sitting cushion for sitting on the floor, if you choose. Classes are taught by Kari Lyons-Price, MSW, Certified MBSR Teacher.

The Wells House is located at 625 Nelson Ave., located on the Wenatchee Valley College campus. Unfortunately, the Wells House is not currently ADA accessible. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Registration for all 5 classes is required and is being offered for a package price of $125.


May 23, 2024
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Event Tags:
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Wells House
625 Nelson Ave.
Wenatchee, WA 98801 United States
+ Google Map

Wenatchee Valley Museum & Cultural Center